The Montgomery County Fire Academy provides an entry-level curriculum for recruits who are new to the fire service as well as ongoing training for experienced firefighters. Link to Montgomery County Fire Academy.
The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners approved a property tax rebate program for members of fire companies. This program is designed to provide property tax relief to those individuals who maintain active volunteer service. Here is a link to Montgomery County's Property Tax Rebate Program.
West Conshohocken Borough offers a Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) to our volunteer fire company members. LOSAP is a system of incentives designed to recruit, retain, and reward active long-serving volunteers, specifically in fire departments. Our LOSAP program is intended to incentivize volunteers to stay with our fire company by providing retirement benefits based on their length of service. Our goal is to encourage long-term commitment to our community's emergency services. Here is a link to our Borough's Ordinance.